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Главная » Web и Технологии » Красивая открытка С Рождеством или Новым годом на CSS

Красивая открытка С Рождеством или Новым годом на CSS

Танцуй так, как будто на тебя никто не смотрит. Пой, как будто тебя никто не слышит. Люби так, как будто тебя никогда не предавали, и живи так, как будто земля — это рай.

24-ноября-2023, 21:32   1   0

Красивая открытка С Рождеством или Новым годом на CSS

«Счастливого Рождества» или с Новым годом — это традиционная поздравительная открытка с классической эстетикой. У неё красный фон, типография с завитками, рождественская елка , гирляндой и огнями. На заднем плане мерцают блестки и гирлянды, огни которых каждую секунду меняют цвет. Можно использовать для украшения сайта к Новогодним праздникам.


- (1..30).each do |i|
  %div{:class => "glitter glitter_#{i}"}
    %svg{:'version' => "1.1", :'id' => "Layer_1", :'x' => "0px", :'y' => "0px", :'width' => "380px", :'height' => "430px", :'viewBox' => "0 0 380 430", :'enable-background' => "new 0 0 380 430", :'xml:space' => "preserve" }
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      %path{ :'fill' => "url(#TreeGradient)", :'stroke-width' => "0.8894", :'stroke-miterlimit' => "10", :'d' => "M95.785,222.129 c0,0-29.712,52.489-49.213,54.846c0,0,29.943,23.719,53.067,6.819c24.014,24.608,44.856,9.103,44.856,9.103 s26.296,24.694,53.868,2.756c32.61,21.938,44.68,0.061,52.178-5.04c0,0,24.903,16.307,39.404-5.337c0,0,29.079,8.599,41.828-10.375 c-26.386-0.89-44.767-50.104-44.767-50.104C276.975,209.513,95.785,222.129,95.785,222.129z" }
      %path{:'fill' => "url(#TreeGradient)", :'stroke-width' => "0.8894", :'stroke-miterlimit' => "10", :'d' => "M117.099,158.603 c0,0-30.504,56.707-50.005,59.063c0,0,22.762,19.878,45.886,2.979c24.014,24.608,48.917,8.302,48.917,8.302 s22.235,22.828,49.807,0.891c28.164,17.194,40.234,1.838,47.73-3.262c0,0,35.873,15.415,50.993-10.377 c-26.386-0.889-44.471-54.846-44.471-54.846C255.925,146.069,117.099,158.603,117.099,158.603z" }
      %path{ :'fill' => "url(#TreeGradient)", :'stroke-width' => "0.8894", :'stroke-miterlimit' => "10", :'d' => "M138.773,98.799 c0,0-27.274,54.253-46.776,56.609c0,0,22.762,19.879,45.887,2.98c24.014,24.607,45.009-0.539,45.009-0.539 s27.482,29.948,53.345,0.568c29.423,19.241,48.1-2.401,48.1-2.401c-18.084-1.779-42.098-56.329-42.098-56.329 C232.209,84.404,138.773,98.799,138.773,98.799z" }
      %path{ :'fill' => "url(#TreeGradient)", :'stroke-width' => "0.8894", :'stroke-miterlimit' => "10", :'d' => "M188.875,14.899 c0,0-29.703,62.218-69.726,86.232c0,0,24.663,18.42,47.788,1.521c24.014,20.456,48.027-2.668,48.027-2.668 s20.159,23.718,44.598,1.054C216.872,81.472,188.875,14.899,188.875,14.899z" }
  - (1..30).each do |i|
    %span{:class => "light light#{i}"}
%h1 Merry Christmas


@import 'compass';

$light-color: #EAE486;

html {
  height: 100%;
  width: 100%;
  overflow: hidden;

body {
  height: 100%;
  overflow: hidden;
  background-color: rgba(240,48,51,1);
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  h1 {
    font-family: 'Great Vibes', cursive;
    font-weight: 100;
    color: #FFFFFF;
    position: absolute;
    left: 7%;
    top: 2%;
    font-size: 14vw;
    opacity: 0.8;
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    margin: 0;

  .container {
    position: absolute;
    padding: 0;
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    * {
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      top: 5px;
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      display: block;
      color: red;
      width: 0px;
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         color: red;
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         content: '';
    .light {
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        top: 130px;
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        top: 146px;
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      //==== Layer 4
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        top: 310px;
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      &:nth-of-type(29) {
        top: 310px;
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  .shadow {
    @include border-radius(50%);
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 20px;
    left: calc(50% - 80px);
    height: 0;
    z-index: -1;
    width: 160px;
    @include box-shadow( 0 0px 80px 30px rgba(#000000, 0.3));
    background: transparent;

.star ~ .light {
  background: $light-color;

$colors: #d83636, #d87f36, #EAE486, #4dd836, #36d8c3, #36b8d8, #3658d8, #7736d8, #c736d8, #d8368a;
$repeat: 30; /* Number of lights */

@for $i from 1 through $repeat {
  $color1: nth($colors, random(length($colors)));
  $color2: nth($colors, random(length($colors)));
  $color3: nth($colors, random(length($colors)));

  @include keyframes(lights-colors-#{$i}) {
    0%, 32%, 100% {
      background: $color1;
      box-shadow: 0 0 22px 5px rgba($color1, 0.6);
    33%, 65% {
      background: $color2;
      box-shadow: 0 0 22px 5px rgba($color2, 0.6);
    66%, 99% {
      background: $color3;
      box-shadow: 0 0 22px 5px rgba($color3, 0.6);

  @include keyframes(lights-glint-#{$i}) {
    0%, 32%, 100% {
      background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba($color1, 0), rgba($color1, 0.3), rgba($color1, 0));
    33%, 65% {
      background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba($color2, 0), rgba($color2, 0.3), rgba($color2, 0));
    66%, 99% {
      background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba($color3, 0), rgba($color3, 0.3), rgba($color3, 0));

  span.light:nth-child(#{length($colors)}n+#{$i}) {
    background: nth($colors, random(length($colors)));
    @include animation(lights-colors-#{$i} 3s infinite);

    &:before {
      content: "";
      position: absolute;
      top: -13px;
      left: 2px;
      height: 30px;
      width: 1px;
      @include transform(rotate(32deg));
      @include animation(lights-glint-#{$i} 3s infinite);

/* -------- Glitter --------- */

.glitter {
  position: absolute;
  width: 1px;
  height: 1px;
  background: transparent;

  &:before {
    content: "";
    position: absolute;
    top: 100px;
    width: 1px;
    height: 1px;
    background: transparent;

  &:after {
    content: "";
    position: absolute;
    left: 100px;
    width: 1px;
    height: 1px;
    background: transparent;

@function multiple-box-shadow ($n) {
  $value: '#{random(1000)}px #{random(1000)}px #A1B8D0';
  @for $i from 2 through $n {
    $value: '#{$value} , #{random(1000)}px #{random(1000)}px #A1B8D0';
  @return unquote($value);

$n: 31;
@for $i from 1 to $n {
  $random-percentage: (($i - 1) / $n) * 90 + 5;
  $random-percentage--before: $random-percentage - 5;
  $random-percentage--after: $random-percentage + 5;
  $diamond: multiple-box-shadow(200);
  @include keyframes(glitter-#{$i}) {
    0%, 100%, #{$random-percentage--before}%, #{$random-percentage--after}% {
      opacity: 0;
    #{$random-percentage}% {
      opacity: 1;

  .glitter_#{$i} {
    @include animation(glitter-#{$i} 10s infinite);
    box-shadow: $diamond;

    &:before {
      @include animation(glitter-#{$i} 8s infinite);
      box-shadow: $diamond;

    &:after {
      @include animation(glitter-#{$i} 9s infinite);
      box-shadow: $diamond;



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