![Модуль список зарегистрированных пользователей DLE 15.3](/uploads/posts/2022-11/1668701658_1.webp)
Танцуй так, как будто на тебя никто не смотрит. Пой, как будто тебя никто не слышит. Люби так, как будто тебя никогда не предавали, и живи так, как будто земля — это рай.
6-декабря-2023, 21:37 18 0
Интересное решение анимированной елочки для сайта. Елочку можно вращать, она в 3D исполнении, так же по клику начинает играть музыка.
Можно украсить веб проект, может кому и пригодиться. Всех с наступающими праздниками!!!
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<h2>credits (models):</h2>
<a href="https://poly.google.com/view/9NXf-SDxJny" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Star</a> /
<a href="https://poly.google.com/view/8eJfmMDsvso" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Squared Christmas Gifts</a> /
<a href="https://poly.google.com/view/8b5ywSuzte0" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Xmas Gift</a> /
<a href="https://poly.google.com/view/9JI_vKK0NfB" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Cabin</a>
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* @author qiao / https://github.com/qiao
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
* @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley
* @author erich666 / http://erichaines.com
* @author ScieCode / http://github.com/sciecode
// This set of controls performs orbiting, dollying (zooming), and panning.
// Unlike TrackballControls, it maintains the "up" direction object.up (+Y by default).
// Orbit - left mouse / touch: one-finger move
// Zoom - middle mouse, or mousewheel / touch: two-finger spread or squish
// Pan - right mouse, or left mouse + ctrl/meta/shiftKey, or arrow keys / touch: two-finger move
THREE.OrbitControls = function ( object, domElement ) {
this.object = object;
this.domElement = ( domElement !== undefined ) ? domElement : document;
// Set to false to disable this control
this.enabled = true;
// "target" sets the location of focus, where the object orbits around
this.target = new THREE.Vector3();
// How far you can dolly in and out ( PerspectiveCamera only )
this.minDistance = 0;
this.maxDistance = Infinity;
// How far you can zoom in and out ( OrthographicCamera only )
this.minZoom = 0;
this.maxZoom = Infinity;
// How far you can orbit vertically, upper and lower limits.
// Range is 0 to Math.PI radians.
this.minPolarAngle = 0; // radians
this.maxPolarAngle = Math.PI; // radians
// How far you can orbit horizontally, upper and lower limits.
// If set, must be a sub-interval of the interval [ - Math.PI, Math.PI ].
this.minAzimuthAngle = - Infinity; // radians
this.maxAzimuthAngle = Infinity; // radians
// Set to true to enable damping (inertia)
// If damping is enabled, you must call controls.update() in your animation loop
this.enableDamping = false;
this.dampingFactor = 0.05;
// This option actually enables dollying in and out; left as "zoom" for backwards compatibility.
// Set to false to disable zooming
this.enableZoom = true;
this.zoomSpeed = 1.0;
// Set to false to disable rotating
this.enableRotate = true;
this.rotateSpeed = 1.0;
// Set to false to disable panning
this.enablePan = true;
this.panSpeed = 1.0;
this.screenSpacePanning = false; // if true, pan in screen-space
this.keyPanSpeed = 7.0; // pixels moved per arrow key push
// Set to true to automatically rotate around the target
// If auto-rotate is enabled, you must call controls.update() in your animation loop
this.autoRotate = false;
this.autoRotateSpeed = 2.0; // 30 seconds per round when fps is 60
// Set to false to disable use of the keys
this.enableKeys = true;
// The four arrow keys
this.keys = { LEFT: 37, UP: 38, RIGHT: 39, BOTTOM: 40 };
// Mouse buttons
// Touch fingers
// for reset
this.target0 = this.target.clone();
this.position0 = this.object.position.clone();
this.zoom0 = this.object.zoom;
// public methods
this.getPolarAngle = function () {
return spherical.phi;
this.getAzimuthalAngle = function () {
return spherical.theta;
this.saveState = function () {
scope.target0.copy( scope.target );
scope.position0.copy( scope.object.position );
scope.zoom0 = scope.object.zoom;
this.reset = function () {
scope.target.copy( scope.target0 );
scope.object.position.copy( scope.position0 );
scope.object.zoom = scope.zoom0;
scope.dispatchEvent( changeEvent );
state = STATE.NONE;
// this method is exposed, but perhaps it would be better if we can make it private...
this.update = function () {
var offset = new THREE.Vector3();
// so camera.up is the orbit axis
var quat = new THREE.Quaternion().setFromUnitVectors( object.up, new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ) );
var quatInverse = quat.clone().inverse();
var lastPosition = new THREE.Vector3();
var lastQuaternion = new THREE.Quaternion();
return function update() {
var position = scope.object.position;
offset.copy( position ).sub( scope.target );
// rotate offset to "y-axis-is-up" space
offset.applyQuaternion( quat );
// angle from z-axis around y-axis
spherical.setFromVector3( offset );
if ( scope.autoRotate && state === STATE.NONE ) {
rotateLeft( getAutoRotationAngle() );
if ( scope.enableDamping ) {
spherical.theta += sphericalDelta.theta * scope.dampingFactor;
spherical.phi += sphericalDelta.phi * scope.dampingFactor;
} else {
spherical.theta += sphericalDelta.theta;
spherical.phi += sphericalDelta.phi;
// restrict theta to be between desired limits
spherical.theta = Math.max( scope.minAzimuthAngle, Math.min( scope.maxAzimuthAngle, spherical.theta ) );
// restrict phi to be between desired limits
spherical.phi = Math.max( scope.minPolarAngle, Math.min( scope.maxPolarAngle, spherical.phi ) );
spherical.radius *= scale;
// restrict radius to be between desired limits
spherical.radius = Math.max( scope.minDistance, Math.min( scope.maxDistance, spherical.radius ) );
// move target to panned location
if ( scope.enableDamping === true ) {
scope.target.addScaledVector( panOffset, scope.dampingFactor );
} else {
scope.target.add( panOffset );
offset.setFromSpherical( spherical );
// rotate offset back to "camera-up-vector-is-up" space
offset.applyQuaternion( quatInverse );
position.copy( scope.target ).add( offset );
scope.object.lookAt( scope.target );
if ( scope.enableDamping === true ) {
sphericalDelta.theta *= ( 1 - scope.dampingFactor );
sphericalDelta.phi *= ( 1 - scope.dampingFactor );
panOffset.multiplyScalar( 1 - scope.dampingFactor );
} else {
sphericalDelta.set( 0, 0, 0 );
panOffset.set( 0, 0, 0 );
scale = 1;
// update condition is:
// min(camera displacement, camera rotation in radians)^2 > EPS
// using small-angle approximation cos(x/2) = 1 - x^2 / 8
if ( zoomChanged ||
lastPosition.distanceToSquared( scope.object.position ) > EPS ||
8 * ( 1 - lastQuaternion.dot( scope.object.quaternion ) ) > EPS ) {
scope.dispatchEvent( changeEvent );
lastPosition.copy( scope.object.position );
lastQuaternion.copy( scope.object.quaternion );
zoomChanged = false;
return true;
return false;
this.dispose = function () {
scope.domElement.removeEventListener( 'contextmenu', oncontextmenu, false );
scope.domElement.removeEventListener( 'mousedown', onmousedown, false );
scope.domElement.removeEventListener( 'wheel', onmousewheel, false );
scope.domElement.removeEventListener( 'touchstart', onTouchStart, false );
scope.domElement.removeEventListener( 'touchend', onTouchEnd, false );
scope.domElement.removeEventListener( 'touchmove', onTouchMove, false );
document.removeEventListener( 'mousemove', onmousemove, false );
document.removeEventListener( 'mouseup', onmouseup, false );
window.removeEventListener( 'keydown', onkeydown, false );
//scope.dispatchEvent( { type: 'dispose' } ); // should this be added here?
// internals
var scope = this;
var changeEvent = { type: 'change' };
var startEvent = { type: 'start' };
var endEvent = { type: 'end' };
var STATE = {
NONE: - 1,
PAN: 2,
var state = STATE.NONE;
var EPS = 0.000001;
// current position in spherical coordinates
var spherical = new THREE.Spherical();
var sphericalDelta = new THREE.Spherical();
var scale = 1;
var panOffset = new THREE.Vector3();
var zoomChanged = false;
var rotateStart = new THREE.Vector2();
var rotateEnd = new THREE.Vector2();
var rotateDelta = new THREE.Vector2();
var panStart = new THREE.Vector2();
var panEnd = new THREE.Vector2();
var panDelta = new THREE.Vector2();
var dollyStart = new THREE.Vector2();
var dollyEnd = new THREE.Vector2();
var dollyDelta = new THREE.Vector2();
function getAutoRotationAngle() {
return 2 * Math.PI / 60 / 60 * scope.autoRotateSpeed;
function getZoomScale() {
return Math.pow( 0.95, scope.zoomSpeed );
function rotateLeft( angle ) {
sphericalDelta.theta -= angle;
function rotateUp( angle ) {
sphericalDelta.phi -= angle;
var panLeft = function () {
var v = new THREE.Vector3();
return function panLeft( distance, objectMatrix ) {
v.setFromMatrixColumn( objectMatrix, 0 ); // get X column of objectMatrix
v.multiplyScalar( - distance );
panOffset.add( v );
var panUp = function () {
var v = new THREE.Vector3();
return function panUp( distance, objectMatrix ) {
if ( scope.screenSpacePanning === true ) {
v.setFromMatrixColumn( objectMatrix, 1 );
} else {
v.setFromMatrixColumn( objectMatrix, 0 );
v.crossVectors( scope.object.up, v );
v.multiplyScalar( distance );
panOffset.add( v );
// deltaX and deltaY are in pixels; right and down are positive
var pan = function () {
var offset = new THREE.Vector3();
return function pan( deltaX, deltaY ) {
var element = scope.domElement === document ? scope.domElement.body : scope.domElement;
if ( scope.object.isPerspectiveCamera ) {
// perspective
var position = scope.object.position;
offset.copy( position ).sub( scope.target );
var targetDistance = offset.length();
// half of the fov is center to top of screen
targetDistance *= Math.tan( ( scope.object.fov / 2 ) * Math.PI / 180.0 );
// we use only clientHeight here so aspect ratio does not distort speed
panLeft( 2 * deltaX * targetDistance / element.clientHeight, scope.object.matrix );
panUp( 2 * deltaY * targetDistance / element.clientHeight, scope.object.matrix );
} else if ( scope.object.isOrthographicCamera ) {
// orthographic
panLeft( deltaX * ( scope.object.right - scope.object.left ) / scope.object.zoom / element.clientWidth, scope.object.matrix );
panUp( deltaY * ( scope.object.top - scope.object.bottom ) / scope.object.zoom / element.clientHeight, scope.object.matrix );
} else {
// camera neither orthographic nor perspective
console.warn( 'WARNING: OrbitControls.js encountered an unknown camera type - pan disabled.' );
scope.enablePan = false;
function dollyIn( dollyScale ) {
if ( scope.object.isPerspectiveCamera ) {
scale /= dollyScale;
} else if ( scope.object.isOrthographicCamera ) {
scope.object.zoom = Math.max( scope.minZoom, Math.min( scope.maxZoom, scope.object.zoom * dollyScale ) );
zoomChanged = true;
} else {
console.warn( 'WARNING: OrbitControls.js encountered an unknown camera type - dolly/zoom disabled.' );
scope.enableZoom = false;
function dollyOut( dollyScale ) {
if ( scope.object.isPerspectiveCamera ) {
scale *= dollyScale;
} else if ( scope.object.isOrthographicCamera ) {
scope.object.zoom = Math.max( scope.minZoom, Math.min( scope.maxZoom, scope.object.zoom / dollyScale ) );
zoomChanged = true;
} else {
console.warn( 'WARNING: OrbitControls.js encountered an unknown camera type - dolly/zoom disabled.' );
scope.enableZoom = false;
// event callbacks - update the object state
function handleMouseDownRotate( event ) {
//console.log( 'handleMouseDownRotate' );
rotateStart.set( event.clientX, event.clientY );
function handleMouseDownDolly( event ) {
//console.log( 'handleMouseDownDolly' );
dollyStart.set( event.clientX, event.clientY );
function handleMouseDownPan( event ) {
//console.log( 'handleMouseDownPan' );
panStart.set( event.clientX, event.clientY );
function handleMouseMoveRotate( event ) {
//console.log( 'handleMouseMoveRotate' );
rotateEnd.set( event.clientX, event.clientY );
rotateDelta.subVectors( rotateEnd, rotateStart ).multiplyScalar( scope.rotateSpeed );
var element = scope.domElement === document ? scope.domElement.body : scope.domElement;
rotateLeft( 2 * Math.PI * rotateDelta.x / element.clientHeight ); // yes, height
rotateUp( 2 * Math.PI * rotateDelta.y / element.clientHeight );
rotateStart.copy( rotateEnd );
function handleMouseMoveDolly( event ) {
//console.log( 'handleMouseMoveDolly' );
dollyEnd.set( event.clientX, event.clientY );
dollyDelta.subVectors( dollyEnd, dollyStart );
if ( dollyDelta.y > 0 ) {
dollyIn( getZoomScale() );
} else if ( dollyDelta.y < 0 ) {
dollyOut( getZoomScale() );
dollyStart.copy( dollyEnd );
function handleMouseMovePan( event ) {
//console.log( 'handleMouseMovePan' );
panEnd.set( event.clientX, event.clientY );
panDelta.subVectors( panEnd, panStart ).multiplyScalar( scope.panSpeed );
pan( panDelta.x, panDelta.y );
panStart.copy( panEnd );
function handleMouseUp( /*event*/ ) {
// console.log( 'handleMouseUp' );
function handleMouseWheel( event ) {
// console.log( 'handleMouseWheel' );
if ( event.deltaY < 0 ) {
dollyOut( getZoomScale() );
} else if ( event.deltaY > 0 ) {
dollyIn( getZoomScale() );
function handleKeyDown( event ) {
// console.log( 'handleKeyDown' );
var needsUpdate = false;
switch ( event.keyCode ) {
case scope.keys.UP:
pan( 0, scope.keyPanSpeed );
needsUpdate = true;
case scope.keys.BOTTOM:
pan( 0, - scope.keyPanSpeed );
needsUpdate = true;
case scope.keys.LEFT:
pan( scope.keyPanSpeed, 0 );
needsUpdate = true;
case scope.keys.RIGHT:
pan( - scope.keyPanSpeed, 0 );
needsUpdate = true;
if ( needsUpdate ) {
// prevent the browser from scrolling on cursor keys
function handleTouchStartRotate( event ) {
//console.log( 'handleTouchStartRotate' );
if ( event.touches.length == 1 ) {
rotateStart.set( event.touches[ 0 ].pageX, event.touches[ 0 ].pageY );
} else {
var x = 0.5 * ( event.touches[ 0 ].pageX + event.touches[ 1 ].pageX );
var y = 0.5 * ( event.touches[ 0 ].pageY + event.touches[ 1 ].pageY );
rotateStart.set( x, y );
function handleTouchStartPan( event ) {
//console.log( 'handleTouchStartPan' );
if ( event.touches.length == 1 ) {
panStart.set( event.touches[ 0 ].pageX, event.touches[ 0 ].pageY );
} else {
var x = 0.5 * ( event.touches[ 0 ].pageX + event.touches[ 1 ].pageX );
var y = 0.5 * ( event.touches[ 0 ].pageY + event.touches[ 1 ].pageY );
panStart.set( x, y );
function handleTouchStartDolly( event ) {
//console.log( 'handleTouchStartDolly' );
var dx = event.touches[ 0 ].pageX - event.touches[ 1 ].pageX;
var dy = event.touches[ 0 ].pageY - event.touches[ 1 ].pageY;
var distance = Math.sqrt( dx * dx + dy * dy );
dollyStart.set( 0, distance );
function handleTouchStartDollyPan( event ) {
//console.log( 'handleTouchStartDollyPan' );
if ( scope.enableZoom ) handleTouchStartDolly( event );
if ( scope.enablePan ) handleTouchStartPan( event );
function handleTouchStartDollyRotate( event ) {
//console.log( 'handleTouchStartDollyRotate' );
if ( scope.enableZoom ) handleTouchStartDolly( event );
if ( scope.enableRotate ) handleTouchStartRotate( event );
function handleTouchMoveRotate( event ) {
//console.log( 'handleTouchMoveRotate' );
if ( event.touches.length == 1 ) {
rotateEnd.set( event.touches[ 0 ].pageX, event.touches[ 0 ].pageY );
} else {
var x = 0.5 * ( event.touches[ 0 ].pageX + event.touches[ 1 ].pageX );
var y = 0.5 * ( event.touches[ 0 ].pageY + event.touches[ 1 ].pageY );
rotateEnd.set( x, y );
rotateDelta.subVectors( rotateEnd, rotateStart ).multiplyScalar( scope.rotateSpeed );
var element = scope.domElement === document ? scope.domElement.body : scope.domElement;
rotateLeft( 2 * Math.PI * rotateDelta.x / element.clientHeight ); // yes, height
rotateUp( 2 * Math.PI * rotateDelta.y / element.clientHeight );
rotateStart.copy( rotateEnd );
function handleTouchMovePan( event ) {
//console.log( 'handleTouchMoveRotate' );
if ( event.touches.length == 1 ) {
panEnd.set( event.touches[ 0 ].pageX, event.touches[ 0 ].pageY );
} else {
var x = 0.5 * ( event.touches[ 0 ].pageX + event.touches[ 1 ].pageX );
var y = 0.5 * ( event.touches[ 0 ].pageY + event.touches[ 1 ].pageY );
panEnd.set( x, y );
panDelta.subVectors( panEnd, panStart ).multiplyScalar( scope.panSpeed );
pan( panDelta.x, panDelta.y );
panStart.copy( panEnd );
function handleTouchMoveDolly( event ) {
//console.log( 'handleTouchMoveRotate' );
var dx = event.touches[ 0 ].pageX - event.touches[ 1 ].pageX;
var dy = event.touches[ 0 ].pageY - event.touches[ 1 ].pageY;
var distance = Math.sqrt( dx * dx + dy * dy );
dollyEnd.set( 0, distance );
dollyDelta.set( 0, Math.pow( dollyEnd.y / dollyStart.y, scope.zoomSpeed ) );
dollyIn( dollyDelta.y );
dollyStart.copy( dollyEnd );
function handleTouchMoveDollyPan( event ) {
//console.log( 'handleTouchMoveDollyPan' );
if ( scope.enableZoom ) handleTouchMoveDolly( event );
if ( scope.enablePan ) handleTouchMovePan( event );
function handleTouchMoveDollyRotate( event ) {
//console.log( 'handleTouchMoveDollyPan' );
if ( scope.enableZoom ) handleTouchMoveDolly( event );
if ( scope.enableRotate ) handleTouchMoveRotate( event );
function handleTouchEnd( /*event*/ ) {
//console.log( 'handleTouchEnd' );
// event handlers - FSM: listen for events and reset state
function onmousedown( event ) {
if ( scope.enabled === false ) return;
// Prevent the browser from scrolling.
// Manually set the focus since calling preventDefault above
// prevents the browser from setting it automatically.
scope.domElement.focus ? scope.domElement.focus() : window.focus();
switch ( event.button ) {
case 0:
switch ( scope.mouseButtons.LEFT ) {
if ( event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey || event.shiftKey ) {
if ( scope.enablePan === false ) return;
handleMouseDownPan( event );
state = STATE.PAN;
} else {
if ( scope.enableRotate === false ) return;
handleMouseDownRotate( event );
if ( event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey || event.shiftKey ) {
if ( scope.enableRotate === false ) return;
handleMouseDownRotate( event );
} else {
if ( scope.enablePan === false ) return;
handleMouseDownPan( event );
state = STATE.PAN;
state = STATE.NONE;
case 1:
switch ( scope.mouseButtons.MIDDLE ) {
if ( scope.enableZoom === false ) return;
handleMouseDownDolly( event );
state = STATE.DOLLY;
state = STATE.NONE;
case 2:
switch ( scope.mouseButtons.RIGHT ) {
if ( scope.enableRotate === false ) return;
handleMouseDownRotate( event );
if ( scope.enablePan === false ) return;
handleMouseDownPan( event );
state = STATE.PAN;
state = STATE.NONE;
if ( state !== STATE.NONE ) {
document.addEventListener( 'mousemove', onmousemove, false );
document.addEventListener( 'mouseup', onmouseup, false );
scope.dispatchEvent( startEvent );
function onmousemove( event ) {
if ( scope.enabled === false ) return;
switch ( state ) {
if ( scope.enableRotate === false ) return;
handleMouseMoveRotate( event );
if ( scope.enableZoom === false ) return;
handleMouseMoveDolly( event );
if ( scope.enablePan === false ) return;
handleMouseMovePan( event );
function onmouseup( event ) {
if ( scope.enabled === false ) return;
handleMouseUp( event );
document.removeEventListener( 'mousemove', onmousemove, false );
document.removeEventListener( 'mouseup', onmouseup, false );
scope.dispatchEvent( endEvent );
state = STATE.NONE;
function onmousewheel( event ) {
if ( scope.enabled === false || scope.enableZoom === false || ( state !== STATE.NONE && state !== STATE.ROTATE ) ) return;
scope.dispatchEvent( startEvent );
handleMouseWheel( event );
scope.dispatchEvent( endEvent );
function onkeydown( event ) {
if ( scope.enabled === false || scope.enableKeys === false || scope.enablePan === false ) return;
handleKeyDown( event );
function onTouchStart( event ) {
if ( scope.enabled === false ) return;
switch ( event.touches.length ) {
case 1:
switch ( scope.touches.ONE ) {
if ( scope.enableRotate === false ) return;
handleTouchStartRotate( event );
if ( scope.enablePan === false ) return;
handleTouchStartPan( event );
state = STATE.NONE;
case 2:
switch ( scope.touches.TWO ) {
if ( scope.enableZoom === false && scope.enablePan === false ) return;
handleTouchStartDollyPan( event );
if ( scope.enableZoom === false && scope.enableRotate === false ) return;
handleTouchStartDollyRotate( event );
state = STATE.NONE;
state = STATE.NONE;
if ( state !== STATE.NONE ) {
scope.dispatchEvent( startEvent );
function onTouchMove( event ) {
if ( scope.enabled === false ) return;
switch ( state ) {
if ( scope.enableRotate === false ) return;
handleTouchMoveRotate( event );
if ( scope.enablePan === false ) return;
handleTouchMovePan( event );
if ( scope.enableZoom === false && scope.enablePan === false ) return;
handleTouchMoveDollyPan( event );
if ( scope.enableZoom === false && scope.enableRotate === false ) return;
handleTouchMoveDollyRotate( event );
state = STATE.NONE;
function onTouchEnd( event ) {
if ( scope.enabled === false ) return;
handleTouchEnd( event );
scope.dispatchEvent( endEvent );
state = STATE.NONE;
function oncontextmenu( event ) {
if ( scope.enabled === false ) return;
scope.domElement.addEventListener( 'contextmenu', oncontextmenu, false );
scope.domElement.addEventListener( 'mousedown', onmousedown, false );
scope.domElement.addEventListener( 'wheel', onmousewheel, false );
scope.domElement.addEventListener( 'touchstart', onTouchStart, false );
scope.domElement.addEventListener( 'touchend', onTouchEnd, false );
scope.domElement.addEventListener( 'touchmove', onTouchMove, false );
window.addEventListener( 'keydown', onkeydown, false );
// force an update at start
THREE.OrbitControls.prototype = Object.create( THREE.EventDispatcher.prototype );
THREE.OrbitControls.prototype.constructor = THREE.OrbitControls;
Object.defineProperties( THREE.OrbitControls.prototype, {
center: {
get: function () {
console.warn( 'THREE.OrbitControls: .center has been renamed to .target' );
return this.target;
// backward compatibility
noZoom: {
get: function () {
console.warn( 'THREE.OrbitControls: .noZoom has been deprecated. Use .enableZoom instead.' );
return ! this.enableZoom;
set: function ( value ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.OrbitControls: .noZoom has been deprecated. Use .enableZoom instead.' );
this.enableZoom = ! value;
noRotate: {
get: function () {
console.warn( 'THREE.OrbitControls: .noRotate has been deprecated. Use .enableRotate instead.' );
return ! this.enableRotate;
set: function ( value ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.OrbitControls: .noRotate has been deprecated. Use .enableRotate instead.' );
this.enableRotate = ! value;
noPan: {
get: function () {
console.warn( 'THREE.OrbitControls: .noPan has been deprecated. Use .enablePan instead.' );
return ! this.enablePan;
set: function ( value ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.OrbitControls: .noPan has been deprecated. Use .enablePan instead.' );
this.enablePan = ! value;
noKeys: {
get: function () {
console.warn( 'THREE.OrbitControls: .noKeys has been deprecated. Use .enableKeys instead.' );
return ! this.enableKeys;
set: function ( value ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.OrbitControls: .noKeys has been deprecated. Use .enableKeys instead.' );
this.enableKeys = ! value;
staticMoving: {
get: function () {
console.warn( 'THREE.OrbitControls: .staticMoving has been deprecated. Use .enableDamping instead.' );
return ! this.enableDamping;
set: function ( value ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.OrbitControls: .staticMoving has been deprecated. Use .enableDamping instead.' );
this.enableDamping = ! value;
dynamicDampingFactor: {
get: function () {
console.warn( 'THREE.OrbitControls: .dynamicDampingFactor has been renamed. Use .dampingFactor instead.' );
return this.dampingFactor;
set: function ( value ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.OrbitControls: .dynamicDampingFactor has been renamed. Use .dampingFactor instead.' );
this.dampingFactor = value;
} );
// This set of controls performs orbiting, dollying (zooming), and panning.
// Unlike TrackballControls, it maintains the "up" direction object.up (+Y by default).
// This is very similar to OrbitControls, another set of touch behavior
// Orbit - right mouse, or left mouse + ctrl/meta/shiftKey / touch: two-finger rotate
// Zoom - middle mouse, or mousewheel / touch: two-finger spread or squish
// Pan - left mouse, or arrow keys / touch: one-finger move
THREE.MapControls = function ( object, domElement ) {
THREE.OrbitControls.call( this, object, domElement );
this.mouseButtons.LEFT = THREE.MOUSE.PAN;
this.mouseButtons.RIGHT = THREE.MOUSE.ROTATE;
this.touches.ONE = THREE.TOUCH.PAN;
THREE.MapControls.prototype = Object.create( THREE.EventDispatcher.prototype );
THREE.MapControls.prototype.constructor = THREE.MapControls;
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.OBJLoader = ( function () {
// o object_name | g group_name
var object_pattern = /^[og]\s*(.+)?/;
// mtllib file_reference
var material_library_pattern = /^mtllib /;
// usemtl material_name
var material_use_pattern = /^usemtl /;
function ParserState() {
var state = {
objects: [],
object: {},
vertices: [],
normals: [],
colors: [],
uvs: [],
materialLibraries: [],
startObject: function ( name, fromDeclaration ) {
// If the current object (initial from reset) is not from a g/o declaration in the parsed
// file. We need to use it for the first parsed g/o to keep things in sync.
if ( this.object && this.object.fromDeclaration === false ) {
this.object.name = name;
this.object.fromDeclaration = ( fromDeclaration !== false );
var previousMaterial = ( this.object && typeof this.object.currentMaterial === 'function' ? this.object.currentMaterial() : undefined );
if ( this.object && typeof this.object._finalize === 'function' ) {
this.object._finalize( true );
this.object = {
name: name || '',
fromDeclaration: ( fromDeclaration !== false ),
geometry: {
vertices: [],
normals: [],
colors: [],
uvs: []
materials: [],
smooth: true,
startMaterial: function ( name, libraries ) {
var previous = this._finalize( false );
// New usemtl declaration overwrites an inherited material, except if faces were declared
// after the material, then it must be preserved for proper MultiMaterial continuation.
if ( previous && ( previous.inherited || previous.groupCount <= 0 ) ) {
this.materials.splice( previous.index, 1 );
var material = {
index: this.materials.length,
name: name || '',
mtllib: ( Array.isArray( libraries ) && libraries.length > 0 ? libraries[ libraries.length - 1 ] : '' ),
smooth: ( previous !== undefined ? previous.smooth : this.smooth ),
groupStart: ( previous !== undefined ? previous.groupEnd : 0 ),
groupEnd: - 1,
groupCount: - 1,
inherited: false,
clone: function ( index ) {
var cloned = {
index: ( typeof index === 'number' ? index : this.index ),
name: this.name,
mtllib: this.mtllib,
smooth: this.smooth,
groupStart: 0,
groupEnd: - 1,
groupCount: - 1,
inherited: false
cloned.clone = this.clone.bind( cloned );
return cloned;
this.materials.push( material );
return material;
currentMaterial: function () {
if ( this.materials.length > 0 ) {
return this.materials[ this.materials.length - 1 ];
return undefined;
_finalize: function ( end ) {
var lastMultiMaterial = this.currentMaterial();
if ( lastMultiMaterial && lastMultiMaterial.groupEnd === - 1 ) {
lastMultiMaterial.groupEnd = this.geometry.vertices.length / 3;
lastMultiMaterial.groupCount = lastMultiMaterial.groupEnd - lastMultiMaterial.groupStart;
lastMultiMaterial.inherited = false;
// Ignore objects tail materials if no face declarations followed them before a new o/g started.
if ( end && this.materials.length > 1 ) {
for ( var mi = this.materials.length - 1; mi >= 0; mi -- ) {
if ( this.materials[ mi ].groupCount <= 0 ) {
this.materials.splice( mi, 1 );
// Guarantee at least one empty material, this makes the creation later more straight forward.
if ( end && this.materials.length === 0 ) {
this.materials.push( {
name: '',
smooth: this.smooth
} );
return lastMultiMaterial;
// Inherit previous objects material.
// Spec tells us that a declared material must be set to all objects until a new material is declared.
// If a usemtl declaration is encountered while this new object is being parsed, it will
// overwrite the inherited material. Exception being that there was already face declarations
// to the inherited material, then it will be preserved for proper MultiMaterial continuation.
if ( previousMaterial && previousMaterial.name && typeof previousMaterial.clone === 'function' ) {
var declared = previousMaterial.clone( 0 );
declared.inherited = true;
this.object.materials.push( declared );
this.objects.push( this.object );
finalize: function () {
if ( this.object && typeof this.object._finalize === 'function' ) {
this.object._finalize( true );
parseVertexIndex: function ( value, len ) {
var index = parseInt( value, 10 );
return ( index >= 0 ? index - 1 : index + len / 3 ) * 3;
parseNormalIndex: function ( value, len ) {
var index = parseInt( value, 10 );
return ( index >= 0 ? index - 1 : index + len / 3 ) * 3;
parseUVIndex: function ( value, len ) {
var index = parseInt( value, 10 );
return ( index >= 0 ? index - 1 : index + len / 2 ) * 2;
addVertex: function ( a, b, c ) {
var src = this.vertices;
var dst = this.object.geometry.vertices;
dst.push( src[ a + 0 ], src[ a + 1 ], src[ a + 2 ] );
dst.push( src[ b + 0 ], src[ b + 1 ], src[ b + 2 ] );
dst.push( src[ c + 0 ], src[ c + 1 ], src[ c + 2 ] );
addVertexPoint: function ( a ) {
var src = this.vertices;
var dst = this.object.geometry.vertices;
dst.push( src[ a + 0 ], src[ a + 1 ], src[ a + 2 ] );
addVertexLine: function ( a ) {
var src = this.vertices;
var dst = this.object.geometry.vertices;
dst.push( src[ a + 0 ], src[ a + 1 ], src[ a + 2 ] );
addNormal: function ( a, b, c ) {
var src = this.normals;
var dst = this.object.geometry.normals;
dst.push( src[ a + 0 ], src[ a + 1 ], src[ a + 2 ] );
dst.push( src[ b + 0 ], src[ b + 1 ], src[ b + 2 ] );
dst.push( src[ c + 0 ], src[ c + 1 ], src[ c + 2 ] );
addColor: function ( a, b, c ) {
var src = this.colors;
var dst = this.object.geometry.colors;
dst.push( src[ a + 0 ], src[ a + 1 ], src[ a + 2 ] );
dst.push( src[ b + 0 ], src[ b + 1 ], src[ b + 2 ] );
dst.push( src[ c + 0 ], src[ c + 1 ], src[ c + 2 ] );
addUV: function ( a, b, c ) {
var src = this.uvs;
var dst = this.object.geometry.uvs;
dst.push( src[ a + 0 ], src[ a + 1 ] );
dst.push( src[ b + 0 ], src[ b + 1 ] );
dst.push( src[ c + 0 ], src[ c + 1 ] );
addUVLine: function ( a ) {
var src = this.uvs;
var dst = this.object.geometry.uvs;
dst.push( src[ a + 0 ], src[ a + 1 ] );
addFace: function ( a, b, c, ua, ub, uc, na, nb, nc ) {
var vLen = this.vertices.length;
var ia = this.parseVertexIndex( a, vLen );
var ib = this.parseVertexIndex( b, vLen );
var ic = this.parseVertexIndex( c, vLen );
this.addVertex( ia, ib, ic );
if ( ua !== undefined && ua !== '' ) {
var uvLen = this.uvs.length;
ia = this.parseUVIndex( ua, uvLen );
ib = this.parseUVIndex( ub, uvLen );
ic = this.parseUVIndex( uc, uvLen );
this.addUV( ia, ib, ic );
if ( na !== undefined && na !== '' ) {
// Normals are many times the same. If so, skip function call and parseInt.
var nLen = this.normals.length;
ia = this.parseNormalIndex( na, nLen );
ib = na === nb ? ia : this.parseNormalIndex( nb, nLen );
ic = na === nc ? ia : this.parseNormalIndex( nc, nLen );
this.addNormal( ia, ib, ic );
if ( this.colors.length > 0 ) {
this.addColor( ia, ib, ic );
addPointGeometry: function ( vertices ) {
this.object.geometry.type = 'Points';
var vLen = this.vertices.length;
for ( var vi = 0, l = vertices.length; vi < l; vi ++ ) {
this.addVertexPoint( this.parseVertexIndex( vertices[ vi ], vLen ) );
addLineGeometry: function ( vertices, uvs ) {
this.object.geometry.type = 'Line';
var vLen = this.vertices.length;
var uvLen = this.uvs.length;
for ( var vi = 0, l = vertices.length; vi < l; vi ++ ) {
this.addVertexLine( this.parseVertexIndex( vertices[ vi ], vLen ) );
for ( var uvi = 0, l = uvs.length; uvi < l; uvi ++ ) {
this.addUVLine( this.parseUVIndex( uvs[ uvi ], uvLen ) );
state.startObject( '', false );
return state;
function OBJLoader( manager ) {
this.manager = ( manager !== undefined ) ? manager : THREE.DefaultLoadingManager;
this.materials = null;
OBJLoader.prototype = {
constructor: OBJLoader,
load: function ( url, onload, onprogress, onerror ) {
var scope = this;
var loader = new THREE.FileLoader( scope.manager );
loader.setPath( this.path );
loader.load( url, function ( text ) {
onload( scope.parse( text ) );
}, onprogress, onerror );
setPath: function ( value ) {
this.path = value;
return this;
setMaterials: function ( materials ) {
this.materials = materials;
return this;
parse: function ( text ) {
console.time( 'OBJLoader' );
var state = new ParserState();
if ( text.indexOf( '\r\n' ) !== - 1 ) {
// This is faster than String.split with regex that splits on both
text = text.replace( /\r\n/g, '\n' );
if ( text.indexOf( '\\\n' ) !== - 1 ) {
// join lines separated by a line continuation character (\)
text = text.replace( /\\\n/g, '' );
var lines = text.split( '\n' );
var line = '', lineFirstChar = '';
var lineLength = 0;
var result = [];
// Faster to just trim left side of the line. Use if available.
var trimLeft = ( typeof ''.trimLeft === 'function' );
for ( var i = 0, l = lines.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
line = lines[ i ];
line = trimLeft ? line.trimLeft() : line.trim();
lineLength = line.length;
if ( lineLength === 0 ) continue;
lineFirstChar = line.charAt( 0 );
// @todo invoke passed in handler if any
if ( lineFirstChar === '#' ) continue;
if ( lineFirstChar === 'v' ) {
var data = line.split( /\s+/ );
switch ( data[ 0 ] ) {
case 'v':
parseFloat( data[ 1 ] ),
parseFloat( data[ 2 ] ),
parseFloat( data[ 3 ] )
if ( data.length >= 7 ) {
parseFloat( data[ 4 ] ),
parseFloat( data[ 5 ] ),
parseFloat( data[ 6 ] )
case 'vn':
parseFloat( data[ 1 ] ),
parseFloat( data[ 2 ] ),
parseFloat( data[ 3 ] )
case 'vt':
parseFloat( data[ 1 ] ),
parseFloat( data[ 2 ] )
} else if ( lineFirstChar === 'f' ) {
var lineData = line.substr( 1 ).trim();
var vertexData = lineData.split( /\s+/ );
var faceVertices = [];
// Parse the face vertex data into an easy to work with format
for ( var j = 0, jl = vertexData.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {
var vertex = vertexData[ j ];
if ( vertex.length > 0 ) {
var vertexParts = vertex.split( '/' );
faceVertices.push( vertexParts );
// Draw an edge between the first vertex and all subsequent vertices to form an n-gon
var v1 = faceVertices[ 0 ];
for ( var j = 1, jl = faceVertices.length - 1; j < jl; j ++ ) {
var v2 = faceVertices[ j ];
var v3 = faceVertices[ j + 1 ];
v1[ 0 ], v2[ 0 ], v3[ 0 ],
v1[ 1 ], v2[ 1 ], v3[ 1 ],
v1[ 2 ], v2[ 2 ], v3[ 2 ]
} else if ( lineFirstChar === 'l' ) {
var lineParts = line.substring( 1 ).trim().split( " " );
var lineVertices = [], lineUVs = [];
if ( line.indexOf( "/" ) === - 1 ) {
lineVertices = lineParts;
} else {
for ( var li = 0, llen = lineParts.length; li < llen; li ++ ) {
var parts = lineParts[ li ].split( "/" );
if ( parts[ 0 ] !== "" ) lineVertices.push( parts[ 0 ] );
if ( parts[ 1 ] !== "" ) lineUVs.push( parts[ 1 ] );
state.addLineGeometry( lineVertices, lineUVs );
} else if ( lineFirstChar === 'p' ) {
var lineData = line.substr( 1 ).trim();
var pointData = lineData.split( " " );
state.addPointGeometry( pointData );
} else if ( ( result = object_pattern.exec( line ) ) !== null ) {
// o object_name
// or
// g group_name
// WORKAROUND: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/v8/issues/detail?id=2869
// var name = result[ 0 ].substr( 1 ).trim();
var name = ( " " + result[ 0 ].substr( 1 ).trim() ).substr( 1 );
state.startObject( name );
} else if ( material_use_pattern.test( line ) ) {
// material
state.object.startMaterial( line.substring( 7 ).trim(), state.materialLibraries );
} else if ( material_library_pattern.test( line ) ) {
// mtl file
state.materialLibraries.push( line.substring( 7 ).trim() );
} else if ( lineFirstChar === 's' ) {
result = line.split( ' ' );
// smooth shading
// @todo Handle files that have varying smooth values for a set of faces inside one geometry,
// but does not define a usemtl for each face set.
// This should be detected and a dummy material created (later MultiMaterial and geometry groups).
// This requires some care to not create extra material on each smooth value for "normal" obj files.
// where explicit usemtl defines geometry groups.
// Example asset: examples/models/obj/cerberus/Cerberus.obj
* http://paulbourke.net/dataformats/obj/
* or
* http://www.cs.utah.edu/~boulos/cs3505/obj_spec.pdf
* From chapter "Grouping" Syntax explanation "s group_number":
* "group_number is the smoothing group number. To turn off smoothing groups, use a value of 0 or off.
* Polygonal elements use group numbers to put elements in different smoothing groups. For free-form
* surfaces, smoothing groups are either turned on or off; there is no difference between values greater
* than 0."
if ( result.length > 1 ) {
var value = result[ 1 ].trim().toLowerCase();
state.object.smooth = ( value !== '0' && value !== 'off' );
} else {
// ZBrush can produce "s" lines #11707
state.object.smooth = true;
var material = state.object.currentMaterial();
if ( material ) material.smooth = state.object.smooth;
} else {
// Handle null terminated files without exception
if ( line === '\0' ) continue;
throw new Error( 'THREE.OBJLoader: Unexpected line: "' + line + '"' );
var container = new THREE.Group();
container.materialLibraries = [].concat( state.materialLibraries );
for ( var i = 0, l = state.objects.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
var object = state.objects[ i ];
var geometry = object.geometry;
var materials = object.materials;
var isLine = ( geometry.type === 'Line' );
var isPoints = ( geometry.type === 'Points' );
var hasVertexColors = false;
// Skip o/g line declarations that did not follow with any faces
if ( geometry.vertices.length === 0 ) continue;
var buffergeometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
buffergeometry.addAttribute( 'position', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( geometry.vertices, 3 ) );
if ( geometry.normals.length > 0 ) {
buffergeometry.addAttribute( 'normal', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( geometry.normals, 3 ) );
} else {
if ( geometry.colors.length > 0 ) {
hasVertexColors = true;
buffergeometry.addAttribute( 'color', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( geometry.colors, 3 ) );
if ( geometry.uvs.length > 0 ) {
buffergeometry.addAttribute( 'uv', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( geometry.uvs, 2 ) );
// Create materials
var createdMaterials = [];
for ( var mi = 0, miLen = materials.length; mi < miLen; mi ++ ) {
var sourceMaterial = materials[ mi ];
var material = undefined;
if ( this.materials !== null ) {
material = this.materials.create( sourceMaterial.name );
// mtl etc. loaders probably can't create line materials correctly, copy properties to a line material.
if ( isLine && material && ! ( material instanceof THREE.LineBasicMaterial ) ) {
var materialLine = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial();
THREE.Material.prototype.copy.call( materialLine, material );
materialLine.color.copy( material.color );
materialLine.lights = false;
material = materialLine;
} else if ( isPoints && material && ! ( material instanceof THREE.PointsMaterial ) ) {
var materialPoints = new THREE.PointsMaterial( { size: 10, sizeAttenuation: false } );
THREE.Material.prototype.copy.call( materialPoints, material );
materialPoints.color.copy( material.color );
materialPoints.map = material.map;
materialPoints.lights = false;
material = materialPoints;
if ( ! material ) {
if ( isLine ) {
material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial();
} else if ( isPoints ) {
material = new THREE.PointsMaterial( { size: 1, sizeAttenuation: false } );
} else {
material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial();
material.name = sourceMaterial.name;
material.flatShading = sourceMaterial.smooth ? false : true;
material.vertexColors = hasVertexColors ? THREE.VertexColors : THREE.NoColors;
createdMaterials.push( material );
// Create mesh
var mesh;
if ( createdMaterials.length > 1 ) {
for ( var mi = 0, miLen = materials.length; mi < miLen; mi ++ ) {
var sourceMaterial = materials[ mi ];
buffergeometry.addGroup( sourceMaterial.groupStart, sourceMaterial.groupCount, mi );
if ( isLine ) {
mesh = new THREE.LineSegments( buffergeometry, createdMaterials );
} else if ( isPoints ) {
mesh = new THREE.Points( buffergeometry, createdMaterials );
} else {
mesh = new THREE.Mesh( buffergeometry, createdMaterials );
} else {
if ( isLine ) {
mesh = new THREE.LineSegments( buffergeometry, createdMaterials[ 0 ] );
} else if ( isPoints ) {
mesh = new THREE.Points( buffergeometry, createdMaterials[ 0 ] );
} else {
mesh = new THREE.Mesh( buffergeometry, createdMaterials[ 0 ] );
mesh.name = object.name;
container.add( mesh );
console.timeEnd( 'OBJLoader' );
return container;
return OBJLoader;
} )();
* Loads a Wavefront .mtl file specifying materials
* @author angelxuanchang
THREE.MTLLoader = function ( manager ) {
this.manager = ( manager !== undefined ) ? manager : THREE.DefaultLoadingManager;
THREE.MTLLoader.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.MTLLoader,
crossOrigin: 'anonymous',
* Loads and parses a MTL asset from a URL.
* @param {String} url - URL to the MTL file.
* @param {Function} [onload] - Callback invoked with the loaded object.
* @param {Function} [onprogress] - Callback for download progress.
* @param {Function} [onerror] - Callback for download errors.
* @see setPath setResourcePath
* @note In order for relative texture references to resolve correctly
* you must call setResourcePath() explicitly prior to load.
load: function ( url, onload, onprogress, onerror ) {
var scope = this;
var path = ( this.path === undefined ) ? THREE.LoaderUtils.extractUrlBase( url ) : this.path;
var loader = new THREE.FileLoader( this.manager );
loader.setPath( this.path );
loader.load( url, function ( text ) {
onload( scope.parse( text, path ) );
}, onprogress, onerror );
* Set base path for resolving references.
* If set this path will be prepended to each loaded and found reference.
* @see setResourcePath
* @param {String} path
* @return {THREE.MTLLoader}
* @example
* mtlLoader.setPath( 'assets/obj/' );
* mtlLoader.load( 'my.mtl', ... );
setPath: function ( path ) {
this.path = path;
return this;
* Set base path for additional resources like textures.
* @see setPath
* @param {String} path
* @return {THREE.MTLLoader}
* @example
* mtlLoader.setPath( 'assets/obj/' );
* mtlLoader.setResourcePath( 'assets/textures/' );
* mtlLoader.load( 'my.mtl', ... );
setResourcePath: function ( path ) {
this.resourcePath = path;
return this;
setTexturePath: function ( path ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.MTLLoader: .setTexturePath() has been renamed to .setResourcePath().' );
return this.setResourcePath( path );
setCrossOrigin: function ( value ) {
this.crossOrigin = value;
return this;
setMaterialOptions: function ( value ) {
this.materialOptions = value;
return this;
* Parses a MTL file.
* @param {String} text - Content of MTL file
* @return {THREE.MTLLoader.MaterialCreator}
* @see setPath setResourcePath
* @note In order for relative texture references to resolve correctly
* you must call setResourcePath() explicitly prior to parse.
parse: function ( text, path ) {
var lines = text.split( '\n' );
var info = {};
var delimiter_pattern = /\s+/;
var materialsInfo = {};
for ( var i = 0; i < lines.length; i ++ ) {
var line = lines[ i ];
line = line.trim();
if ( line.length === 0 || line.charAt( 0 ) === '#' ) {
// Blank line or comment ignore
var pos = line.indexOf( ' ' );
var key = ( pos >= 0 ) ? line.substring( 0, pos ) : line;
key = key.toLowerCase();
var value = ( pos >= 0 ) ? line.substring( pos + 1 ) : '';
value = value.trim();
if ( key === 'newmtl' ) {
// New material
info = { name: value };
materialsInfo[ value ] = info;
} else {
if ( key === 'ka' || key === 'kd' || key === 'ks' || key ==='ke' ) {
var ss = value.split( delimiter_pattern, 3 );
info[ key ] = [ parseFloat( ss[ 0 ] ), parseFloat( ss[ 1 ] ), parseFloat( ss[ 2 ] ) ];
} else {
info[ key ] = value;
var materialCreator = new THREE.MTLLoader.MaterialCreator( this.resourcePath || path, this.materialOptions );
materialCreator.setCrossOrigin( this.crossOrigin );
materialCreator.setManager( this.manager );
materialCreator.setMaterials( materialsInfo );
return materialCreator;
* Create a new THREE-MTLLoader.MaterialCreator
* @param baseUrl - Url relative to which textures are loaded
* @param options - Set of options on how to construct the materials
* side: Which side to apply the material
* THREE.FrontSide (default), THREE.BackSide, THREE.DoubleSide
* wrap: What type of wrapping to apply for textures
* THREE.RepeatWrapping (default), THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping, THREE.MirroredRepeatWrapping
* normalizeRGB: RGBs need to be normalized to 0-1 from 0-255
* Default: false, assumed to be already normalized
* ignoreZeroRGBs: Ignore values of RGBs (Ka,Kd,Ks) that are all 0's
* Default: false
* @constructor
THREE.MTLLoader.MaterialCreator = function ( baseUrl, options ) {
this.baseUrl = baseUrl || '';
this.options = options;
this.materialsInfo = {};
this.materials = {};
this.materialsArray = [];
this.nameLookup = {};
this.side = ( this.options && this.options.side ) ? this.options.side : THREE.FrontSide;
this.wrap = ( this.options && this.options.wrap ) ? this.options.wrap : THREE.RepeatWrapping;
THREE.MTLLoader.MaterialCreator.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.MTLLoader.MaterialCreator,
crossOrigin: 'anonymous',
setCrossOrigin: function ( value ) {
this.crossOrigin = value;
return this;
setManager: function ( value ) {
this.manager = value;
setMaterials: function ( materialsInfo ) {
this.materialsInfo = this.convert( materialsInfo );
this.materials = {};
this.materialsArray = [];
this.nameLookup = {};
convert: function ( materialsInfo ) {
if ( ! this.options ) return materialsInfo;
var converted = {};
for ( var mn in materialsInfo ) {
// Convert materials info into normalized form based on options
var mat = materialsInfo[ mn ];
var covmat = {};
converted[ mn ] = covmat;
for ( var prop in mat ) {
var save = true;
var value = mat[ prop ];
var lprop = prop.toLowerCase();
switch ( lprop ) {
case 'kd':
case 'ka':
case 'ks':
// Diffuse color (color under white light) using RGB values
if ( this.options && this.options.normalizeRGB ) {
value = [ value[ 0 ] / 255, value[ 1 ] / 255, value[ 2 ] / 255 ];
if ( this.options && this.options.ignoreZeroRGBs ) {
if ( value[ 0 ] === 0 && value[ 1 ] === 0 && value[ 2 ] === 0 ) {
// ignore
save = false;
if ( save ) {
covmat[ lprop ] = value;
return converted;
preload: function () {
for ( var mn in this.materialsInfo ) {
this.create( mn );
getIndex: function ( materialName ) {
return this.nameLookup[ materialName ];
getAsArray: function () {
var index = 0;
for ( var mn in this.materialsInfo ) {
this.materialsArray[ index ] = this.create( mn );
this.nameLookup[ mn ] = index;
index ++;
return this.materialsArray;
create: function ( materialName ) {
if ( this.materials[ materialName ] === undefined ) {
this.createMaterial_( materialName );
return this.materials[ materialName ];
createMaterial_: function ( materialName ) {
// Create material
var scope = this;
var mat = this.materialsInfo[ materialName ];
var params = {
name: materialName,
side: this.side
function resolveURL( baseUrl, url ) {
if ( typeof url !== 'string' || url === '' )
return '';
// Absolute URL
if ( /^https?:\/\//i.test( url ) ) return url;
return baseUrl + url;
function setMapForType( mapType, value ) {
if ( params[ mapType ] ) return; // Keep the first encountered texture
var texParams = scope.getTextureParams( value, params );
var map = scope.loadTexture( resolveURL( scope.baseUrl, texParams.url ) );
map.repeat.copy( texParams.scale );
map.offset.copy( texParams.offset );
map.wrapS = scope.wrap;
map.wrapT = scope.wrap;
params[ mapType ] = map;
for ( var prop in mat ) {
var value = mat[ prop ];
var n;
if ( value === '' ) continue;
switch ( prop.toLowerCase() ) {
// Ns is material specular exponent
case 'kd':
// Diffuse color (color under white light) using RGB values
params.color = new THREE.Color().fromArray( value );
case 'ks':
// Specular color (color when light is reflected from shiny surface) using RGB values
params.specular = new THREE.Color().fromArray( value );
case 'ke':
// Emissive using RGB values
params.emissive = new THREE.Color().fromArray( value );
case 'map_kd':
// Diffuse texture map
setMapForType( "map", value );
case 'map_ks':
// Specular map
setMapForType( "specularMap", value );
case 'map_ke':
// Emissive map
setMapForType( "emissiveMap", value );
case 'norm':
setMapForType( "normalMap", value );
case 'map_bump':
case 'bump':
// Bump texture map
setMapForType( "bumpMap", value );
case 'map_d':
// Alpha map
setMapForType( "alphaMap", value );
params.transparent = true;
case 'ns':
// The specular exponent (defines the focus of the specular highlight)
// A high exponent results in a tight, concentrated highlight. Ns values normally range from 0 to 1000.
params.shininess = parseFloat( value );
case 'd':
n = parseFloat( value );
if ( n < 1 ) {
params.opacity = n;
params.transparent = true;
case 'tr':
n = parseFloat( value );
if ( this.options && this.options.invertTrProperty ) n = 1 - n;
if ( n > 0 ) {
params.opacity = 1 - n;
params.transparent = true;
this.materials[ materialName ] = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( params );
return this.materials[ materialName ];
getTextureParams: function ( value, matParams ) {
var texParams = {
scale: new THREE.Vector2( 1, 1 ),
offset: new THREE.Vector2( 0, 0 )
var items = value.split( /\s+/ );
var pos;
pos = items.indexOf( '-bm' );
if ( pos >= 0 ) {
matParams.bumpScale = parseFloat( items[ pos + 1 ] );
items.splice( pos, 2 );
pos = items.indexOf( '-s' );
if ( pos >= 0 ) {
texParams.scale.set( parseFloat( items[ pos + 1 ] ), parseFloat( items[ pos + 2 ] ) );
items.splice( pos, 4 ); // we expect 3 parameters here!
pos = items.indexOf( '-o' );
if ( pos >= 0 ) {
texParams.offset.set( parseFloat( items[ pos + 1 ] ), parseFloat( items[ pos + 2 ] ) );
items.splice( pos, 4 ); // we expect 3 parameters here!
texParams.url = items.join( ' ' ).trim();
return texParams;
loadTexture: function ( url, mapping, onload, onprogress, onerror ) {
var texture;
var loader = THREE.Loader.Handlers.get( url );
var manager = ( this.manager !== undefined ) ? this.manager : THREE.DefaultLoadingManager;
if ( loader === null ) {
loader = new THREE.TextureLoader( manager );
if ( loader.setCrossOrigin ) loader.setCrossOrigin( this.crossOrigin );
texture = loader.load( url, onload, onprogress, onerror );
if ( mapping !== undefined ) texture.mapping = mapping;
return texture;
const hexToRgbTreeJs = (hex) => {
const result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex);
return result
? {
r: parseInt(result[1], 16) / 255,
g: parseInt(result[2], 16) / 255,
b: parseInt(result[3], 16) / 255
: null;
class Loader {
constructor() {
this.callback = null;
load(file) {
const request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open("GET", file, true);
request.onprogress = (evt) => {
let percent = Math.floor((evt.loaded / evt.total) * 100);
request.onload = () => {
progress(callback) {
this.callback = callback;
complete() {}
class App {
constructor() {
this.loader = new Loader();
this.loader.progress((percent) => {
this.playIntro = document.querySelector(".play-intro");
this.loaderBar = document.querySelector(".loader");
this.loader.complete = this.complete.bind(this);
this.count = 0;
this.percent = 0;
this.playing = false;
this.bgColor = 0x6f11f1;
this.objects = [];
this.angle = 0;
progress(percent) {
this.loaderBar.style.transform = "scale(" + percent / 100 + ", 1)";
if (percent === 100) {
setTimeout(() => {
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
this.loaderBar.style.transform = "scale(1, 0)";
}, 300);
complete(file) {
setTimeout(() => {
this.star = new THREE.Object3D();
this.house = new THREE.Object3D();
this.rings = [];
this.color = 0x1fc30e;
this.createRingOfSpheres(20, 4, this.color, this.rings, -4);
this.createRingOfSpheres(18, 3.5, this.color, this.rings, -2);
this.createRingOfSpheres(16, 3, this.color, this.rings, 0);
this.createRingOfSpheres(14, 2.5, this.color, this.rings, 2);
this.createRingOfSpheres(10, 2, this.color, this.rings, 4);
this.createRingOfSpheres(6, 1.5, this.color, this.rings, 6);
this.createRingOfSpheres(4, 1.2, this.color, this.rings, 8);
this.createRingOfSpheres(3, 0.8, this.color, this.rings, 10);
this.createRingOfSpheres(2, 0.4, this.color, this.rings, 12);
this.createRingOfSpheres(1, 0, this.color, this.rings, 14);
this.loadModels("house", (house) => {
const scale = 7;
this.house = house;
house.scale.set(scale, scale, scale);
house.position.set(15, -1, 5);
this.house.children[0].material.color = hexToRgbTreeJs("#000000");
this.house.children[1].material.color = hexToRgbTreeJs("#000000");
this.loadModels("gift-group", (gifts) => {
const scale = 3;
gifts.scale.set(scale, scale, scale);
gifts.position.set(-15, -3, 5);
this.loadModels("single-gift", (gift) => {
const scale = 20;
gift.scale.set(scale, scale, scale);
gift.position.set(8, -3, 11);
this.loadModels("star", (star) => {
const scale = 1;
this.star = star;
star.scale.set(scale, scale, scale);
star.position.set(0, 18, 0);
}, 200);
addSoundControls() {
this.btnPlay = document.querySelector(".play");
this.btnPause = document.querySelector(".pause");
this.btnPlay.addEventListener("click", () => {
this.btnPause.addEventListener("click", () => {
play() {
pause() {
createRingOfSpheres(count, radius, color, rings, posY) {
const group = new THREE.Object3D();
for (let index = 0; index < count; index++) {
const l = 360 / count;
const pos = this.radians(l * index);
const obj = this.createObj(color);
const distance = radius * 2;
const sin = Math.sin(pos) * distance;
const cos = Math.cos(pos) * distance;
obj.position.set(sin, posY, cos);
obj.originalPosition = {
x: sin,
y: posY,
z: cos
loadModels(name, callback) {
const mtlLoader = new THREE.MTLLoader();
const folder = "https://iondrimbafilho.me/models/";
mtlLoader.load(`${name}.mtl`, (materials) => {
const objLoader = new THREE.OBJLoader();
(object) => {
object.castShadow = true;
const onprogress = (xhr) => {
if (xhr.lengthComputable) {
const percentComplete = (xhr.loaded / xhr.total) * 100;
const onerror = (xhr) => {};
createScene() {
this.scene = new THREE.Scene();
this.scene.background = new THREE.Color(this.bgColor);
this.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ antialias: true });
this.renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
this.renderer.shadowMap.enabled = true;
this.renderer.shadowMap.type = THREE.PCFSoftShadowMap;
createCamera() {
this.camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(
window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight
this.camera.position.set(-5, 19, 32);
addCameraControls() {
this.controls = new THREE.OrbitControls(
this.controls.enableDamping = true;
this.controls.dampingFactor = 0.04;
document.body.style.cursor = "-moz-grabg";
document.body.style.cursor = "-webkit-grab";
this.controls.addEventListener("start", () => {
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
document.body.style.cursor = "-moz-grabbing";
document.body.style.cursor = "-webkit-grabbing";
this.controls.addEventListener("end", () => {
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
document.body.style.cursor = "-moz-grab";
document.body.style.cursor = "-webkit-grab";
addGrid() {
const size = 25;
const divisions = 25;
const gridHelper = new THREE.GridHelper(size, divisions);
gridHelper.position.set(0, -5, 0);
gridHelper.material.opacity = 0.5;
gridHelper.material.transparent = false;
createObj(color) {
const radius = 1;
const widthSegments = 20;
const heightSegments = 20;
const geometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(
const material = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({
color: color,
emissive: 0x0,
metalness: 0.3,
roughness: 0.1
const obj = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
obj.castShadow = true;
obj.receiveShadow = true;
obj.needsUpdate = true;
return obj;
onresize() {
const ww = window.innerWidth;
const wh = window.innerHeight;
this.camera.aspect = ww / wh;
this.renderer.setSize(ww, wh);
addFloor() {
const planeGeometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(2000, 2000);
const planeMaterial = new THREE.ShadowMaterial({ opacity: 0.08 });
const plane = new THREE.Mesh(planeGeometry, planeMaterial);
planeGeometry.rotateX(-Math.PI / 2);
plane.position.y = -5;
plane.receiveShadow = true;
rotateObject(group, value) {
group.rotation.y += value;
addSpotLight() {
const spotLight = new THREE.SpotLight(0xffffff);
spotLight.position.set(4, 30, 1);
spotLight.castShadow = true;
const spotLightHelper = new THREE.SpotLightHelper(spotLight);
addAmbientLight() {
const light = new THREE.AmbientLight(0xffffff);
animate() {
this.angle += 0.2;
// this.camera.position.x = Math.cos(this.radians(this.angle)) * 35;
// this.camera.position.z = Math.sin(this.radians(this.angle)) * 35;
this.renderer.render(this.scene, this.camera);
radians(degrees) {
return (degrees * Math.PI) / 180;
drawWave() {
if (this.playing) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.rings.length; i++) {
const p = this.frequencyData[i];
const s = this.rings[i];
const delta = p / 60;
TweenMax.to(s.position, 0.1, { y: delta });
TweenMax.to(this.star.position, 0.1, { y: delta + 16 });
for (let j = 0; j < this.objects.length; j++) {
const p1 = this.frequencyData[j];
const s1 = this.objects[j];
let delta1 = p1 / 100;
if (delta1 <= 0) {
delta1 = 1;
if (delta1 > 1) {
delta1 = 1;
TweenMax.to(s1.scale, 0.1, {
x: delta1,
y: delta1,
z: delta1
TweenMax.to(s1.position, 0.1, {
y: s1.originalPosition.y + p1 / 50
this.rotateObject(this.rings[0], 0.01);
this.rotateObject(this.rings[1], -0.01);
this.rotateObject(this.rings[2], 0.02);
this.rotateObject(this.rings[3], -0.02);
this.rotateObject(this.rings[4], 0.01);
this.rotateObject(this.rings[5], -0.01);
this.rotateObject(this.rings[6], 0.02);
this.rotateObject(this.rings[7], -0.02);
this.rotateObject(this.star, -0.04);
setupAudio() {
this.audioElement = document.getElementById("audio");
this.audioCtx = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
this.analyser = this.audioCtx.createAnalyser();
this.source = this.audioCtx.createMediaElementSource(this.audioElement);
this.bufferLength = this.analyser.frequencyBinCount;
this.frequencyData = new Uint8Array(this.bufferLength);
this.audioElement.volume = 1;
this.audioElement.addEventListener("playing", () => {
this.playing = true;
this.audioElement.addEventListener("pause", () => {
this.playing = false;
this.audioElement.addEventListener("ended", () => {
this.playing = false;
playSound(file) {
setTimeout(() => {
this.playIntro.addEventListener("click", (evt) => {
this.audioElement.src = file;
}, 300);
window.app = new App();
window.addEventListener("resize", app.onresize.bind(app));