Заведите себе «идиотскую» привычку радоваться неудачам. Это гораздо веселей, чем раздражаться и ныть по любому поводу.
12-ноября-2023, 20:20 2 0
Переключатель для сайта Кошелёк или жизнь на Хеллоуин. Переход от черепа к конфете плавный. Данный переключатель можно использовать на сайте в преддверии Хеллоуина или украсить ваш тематический блог.
box-sizing border-box
background #111
display flex
min-height 100vh
align-items center
justify-content center
$transition = .35s
$sweet-main = #f62459
$sweet-secondary = lighten($sweet-main, 25%)
$skull = #f0e2c8
$checked-bg = dodgerblue
$unchecked-bg = darken(#4d13d1, 25%)
border-radius 100px
overflow hidden
height 100px
position relative
width 200px
border 6px solid #eeeeee
@media(min-width 768px)
border 10px solid #eeeeee
height 200px
width 400px
cursor pointer
height 100%
width 100%
opacity 0
left 0
top 0
position absolute
z-index 2
~ .trick-or-treat__toggle
transform translate(100%, 0)
$clip = polygon(-100% -100%, -100% -100%, -100% 200%, -100% 200%, -100% 200%, 200% 200%, 200% 200%, 200% 200%, 200% -100%, 200% -100%)
clip-path $clip
-webkit-clip-path $clip
transform translate(-50%, -50%) rotate(585deg) scale(0.5, 0.4)
background $sweet-main
// horizontal / vertical radius
border-radius 50% / 45%
transition transform $transition, -webkit-clip-path $transition, clip-path $transition , background $transition, border-radius $transition
background $sweet-main
opacity 1
~ .trick-or-treat__backdrop
background $checked-bg
background $checked-bg
animation-name scale
background white
background $unchecked-bg
height 100%
position absolute
width 100%
transition background $transition
height 100%
left 0
position absolute
width 50%
transition transform $transition
/* body is used for both the trick and treat main body */
position absolute
height 75%
width 75%
background $skull
border-radius 100%
top 50%
left 50%
transition border-radius $transition, background $transition, -webkit-clip-path $transition, clip-path $transition, transform $transition
transform translate(-50%, -50%) rotate(0deg) scale(1, 1)
$clip = polygon(0 0, 0 60%, 12.5% 70%, 25% 70%, 25% 100%, 75% 100%, 75% 70%, 87.5% 70%, 100% 60%, 100% 0)
-webkit-clip-path $clip
clip-path $clip
/* Skull eye */
height 20%
width 20%
background black
position absolute
border-radius 50%
top 40%
left 50%
transition background $transition
content ''
position absolute
height 5px
width 5px
background orange
border-radius 100%
transform translate(-50%, -50%)
transition background $transition
@media(min-width 768px)
height 10px
width 10px
height 40%
width 30%
transform translate(-50%, -50%) translate(-65%, 0)
bottom 15%
left 65%
height 30%
width 25%
transform translate(-50%, -50%) translate(60%, 0)
bottom 10%
left 45%
/* skeleton nose */
height 10%
width 10%
background black
position absolute
top 60%
left 50%
transform translate(-50%, -50%)
transition background $transition
$clip = polygon(0 100%, 50% 0, 100% 100%)
clip-path $clip
-webkit-clip-path $clip
/* skeleton mouth*/
width 35%
background black
height 5%
border-radius 4px
position absolute
bottom 15%
left 50%
transform translate(-50%, -50%)
transition background $transition
content ''
position absolute
width 35%
height 100%
border-radius 4px
background black
top 50%
transform translate(-50%, -50%) rotate(90deg)
transition background $transition
left 30%
left 70%
position absolute
top 50%
background $skull
width 50%
height 120%
transform translate(0, -50%)
$clip = polygon(0 45%, 100% 0, 55% 35%, 100% 50%, 55% 65%, 100% 100%, 0 55%)
-webkit-clip-path $clip
clip-path $clip
left 100%
right 100%
transform translate(0, -50%) rotate(180deg)
height 100%
width 100%
position absolute
opacity 0
border-radius 50% / 45%
overflow hidden
transition opacity $transition
border-radius 50% / 50%
content ''
position absolute
height 100%
width 100%
bottom 6%
right 2%
background white
background $sweet-main
bottom 10%
right 2%
height 110%
width 110%
height 6px
width 6px
position absolute
top 50%
left 50%
transform translate(-50%, -50%) scaleY(1)
transform-origin center
animation blink 4s infinite linear
@media(min-width 768px)
height 10px
width 10px
top 15%
left 65%
opacity .1
animation-delay 1s
top 80%
left 60%
opacity .4
animation-delay 3s
top 60%
left 85%
opacity .25
animation-delay 2s
content ''
background $skull
border-radius 100% 0
position absolute
height 100%
width 100%
opacity .8
top 50%
left 50%
transition background $transition
transform translate(-50%, -50%) translate(90%, 0) rotate(45deg)
transform translate(-50%, -50%) translate(-90%, 0) rotate(45deg)
height 50px
width 50px
position absolute
top 50%
left 50%
transform translate(-50%, -50%) scale(0)
transform-origin center
background $unchecked-bg
border-radius 100%
animation-duration 4s
animation-iteration-count infinite
animation-timing-function linear
animation-fill-mode both
transition background .5s
top 15%
left 35%
opacity .1
animation-delay 1s
top 80%
left 40%
opacity .4
animation-delay 3s
top 60%
left 15%
opacity .25
animation-delay 2s
@keyframes blink
transform translate(-50%, -50%) scaleY(1)
transform translate(-50%, -50%) scaleY(0)
transform translate(-50%, -50%) scaleY(1)
transform translate(-50%, -50%) scaleY(0)
transform translate(-50%, -50%) scaleY(1)
@keyframes scale
opacity 1
transform translate(-50%, -50%) scale(0)
opacity 0
transform translate(-50%, -50%) scale(1)